Friday, May 15, 2015

Eat - Health tips for 50+

Eat - Health tips for 50+
Eat - Health tips for 50+

For thousands of years, human beings are trying to discover the fountain of youth that would provide us all, eternal youth. The promise of a long life and healthy she holds to a food, a cream or even a miracle pill? And if it was easier?

Healthy aging and fit
Several factors can reduce your life expectancy or significantly affect your quality of life. Smoking and excess alcohol can have devastating effects on your health. The elderly and sedentary people are more likely to see their muscle mass melt, feeling weaker and lose their autonomy. The nutrition can help you age better because it has a significant preventive effect against chronic diseases such as cardiovascular disease and cancer. Although it is written in your genes can not be changed, you can improve your quality of life by adopting lifestyle and adding some healthy foods to your menu.

Vitamin D, very touched by aging
Vitamin D is the nutrient most affected by aging. With age, the body produces more easily. In addition, some drugs reduce absorption. People over 50 are at increased risk of suffering from vitamin D deficiency. In fact, the Canada Food Guide recommends that people over age 50 take a supplement of 10 micrograms (400 IU) vitamin D daily.

Meat and alternatives to fight infections
The proteins play an important role in the fight against infections: these are the basic materials antibody involved in the defense of the body. After an injury or surgery, proteins are also necessary for tissue repair. Meat, poultry, fish, eggs, cheese, peanut butter and legumes are good sources of protein. Make sure you have at each meal!

Water against dehydration
Eat - Health tips for 50+you have the dry mouth and throat, muscle cramps, headaches, your urine is dark and fragrant, and your skin loses its elasticity? You are irritable, constipated and tired? You may be suffering from dehydration, a serious condition and current seniors.

With age, body composition changes. The different hormonal changes and those related to lifestyle are that the body loses muscle mass in favor of fat. And a reduction in muscle mass automatically generates a reduction in reserves of water in the body. Thus, the body of a person over age 50 contains about 50% water, compared to about 60% for a person of 25 years.

The body has mechanisms to keep the right amount of water. Unfortunately, they become less effective over the years.
o   The body reacts to both dehydration. In this state, the kidneys remove more water than necessary.
o   The sensation of thirst is no longer a good indicator of the degree of hydration and the need to drink. Thirst occurs when dehydration is well underway and in reaction to that sensation. Thus, the elderly generally drink less water than an adult 25 years.
Not to cut the appetite and leave room for the main meal, older people are often tempted to drink less during the day. For fear of urinary incontinence, many older people limit their intake of fluids. Yet little drink requires the kidneys to work harder and to discharge the waste from the body in a smaller amount of urine. This concentrated urine irritates the bladder and increases urinary incontinence.

Being awakened by a sudden urge to urinate and the obligation to get up in the middle of the night can also incite drink less often. In this case, it is better to consume enough fluids early and throughout the day rather than evening.

Finally, some drugs and various diseases increase the risk of dehydration. For example, diuretics and laxatives accentuate the loss of water, whereas Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson's disease are associated with a lower consumption of liquids.

Lack of water or dehydration night to several vital functions. In case of dehydration, liver, digestive system, heart and brain have difficulty functioning properly. The dehydration can contribute to the development of kidney disease. It is also a common cause of temporary state of confusion.

Here are some little tricks to help you consume enough water during the day.

Drink about 8 glasses of fluids per day (2 liters) as water, juice, milk, tea, tea or soup.
Keep a large bottle of water (tap or source) to view and think about regularly drink small amounts throughout the day.
On your bedside table, keep a glass of water you drink immediately first thing in the morning. You can kill two birds with one stone by drinking a glass of warm water: it moisturizes just as cold water and promotes bowel regularity.
Choose drinks that you like: the herbal variety, the juice mixed with carbonated water, the soup hot with vegetables, simple soups, coffee or tea, a glass of milk, etc.
Drink more, as needed. You have the fever and it is very hot outside? Increase your daily fluid intake 250 ml to 500 ml (1 to 2 cups).
Eat enough fruits and vegetables (and their juices) rather than dehydrated because they contain at least 85% water. Eat at least five a day!
Vitamin B12 to overflowing with energy!
As we age, the body has more difficulty absorbing vitamin B12 from food. Inadequate intake of this vitamin has important consequences on the quality of life: we feel more tired, lower, sometimes even confusing. The appetite decreases, which leads to other problems: we eat less, it forces you lose and is more exposed to the risk of deficiencies of other vitamins and minerals.

The B12 is found naturally in animal foods such as fish, milk, eggs, shellfish, meat and poultry. It is therefore recommended that these foods rich in vitamin B12 in your plate every day. Add to that foods fortified with vitamin B12 (soy milk, for example) and supplements. Synthetic vitamin B12 is better absorbed by the body than that which comes from food. After 50 years, the body needs 2.4 micrograms of the vitamin daily.

Eating with appetite age better
If your appetite diminishes with age, your nutritional needs, they do not diminish. Failing to eat more, so you have to eat better and more often.

Choose foods that are packed with vitamins and minerals. For example, spread your toast with peanut butter morning rather than jam. Or prefer yogurt for a scoop of ice cream.
Instead of three big meals, choose from many small meals.
If you have not hungry enough to eat it all at dinner, keep your fruit or piece of cheese for a snack.
Serve dishes at a suitable temperature. This will prevent all is tepid and bland.
Make enhance nutritional value of your favorite recipes inspiring the following table.
your vegetable purees
Sweet potatoes.
soups, creams, muffins, your mashed potatoes
milk powder
your meatloaf and your meat chopped
chicken liver
cheese or yogurt
eggs, cheese or canned tuna

Also, to whet your appetite, cook and eat as often as possible in friendly company. The walks before the meal and the meal with friends also stimulate appetite.

Loss of appetite can also be caused by a loss of taste and the smell, a common occurrence among older people. Season your food with herbs and spices. Alternate bites of food that ends up on your plate. And you concoct tempting and colorful meals: we also eat with our eyes, right?

Loss of appetite is often accompanied by deficiencies in nutrients and loss of energy. If your appetite seems to have completely disappeared, consult your doctor.

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