Reasons to drink tea daily
Reasons to drink tea daily
Although many people think that the tea should be taken only
when they are sick, it is important to know that there are numerous benefits to
those who consume this drink every day. Whether green, black or otherwise, the
tea can be essential to maintain a healthy body. Those who want to stay healthy
and in a good mood can have on this beverage a great ally, including
contributing to disease prevention.
The tea helps fight free radicals (substances responsible
for damaging our DNA) due to the large amount of antioxidants present in their
composition. Even if our bodies have defenses against free radicals, it is not
always possible to eliminate 100% of body substances, and then the tea can
help. Free radicals are associated with the development of cancer diseases,
cardiovascular diseases, among others.
Tea may also contribute to the prevention of
neurodegeneration, including being effective for the treatment of some diseases
such as Alzheimer's. Even if there are several factors that influence brain
health, polyphenols contained in tea, especially green, can help maintain the
proper functioning of the body, making the learning ability and memory is
affected minimally.
But it is not only for the mind that tea can contribute.
Research conducted associated the consumption of alcohol to greater endurance
during physical exercise, mainly due to antioxidant called catching found in
green tea. This substance increases the body's ability to burn fat, still
acting as a "fuel" causing greater muscle capacity. In addition, the
tea improves mineral density, which generates a better bone health.
Although caffeine in tea beverage serves as moisturizer, so
it can be ingested anywhere in the day. The frequent use will bring many health
benefits beyond those already mentioned. Even so, it is important to be aware
that tea is not a miracle drink, but a beneficial addition to a healthy diet
and frequent physical exercise. Joining these positive habits with a tea after
lunch or before bedtime can cause you to have a life with good health and