Eat - Health tips for all
Eat - Health tips for all
Adulthood represents a very active period of life. The
accelerated pace of life leaves out of breath! And if diet could help you get
back some balance in your daily life?
To offset the blow of bar in the afternoon
Eat every four hours ... but only good food
Start the day with a breakfast nutritious.
Opt for light, balanced meals in the hour of dinner.
Take snacks light (fruit, yogurt, cereal) every four or five
hours. A drop in blood sugar can cause symptoms of fatigue and irritability and
Opt for foods rich in
carbohydrates and protein
Refuel quality energy with carbs. They are the preferred
fuel cells. You will find them in grain products whole grain, vegetables and
fruits. Make sure to consume regularly and sufficiently.
Add protein. They feel full for a long period of time. Eat
it at every meal, you will avoid the energy slumps caused by hunger.
Avoid the trap of sweets and fatty foods. The goodies do
temporarily increasing energy levels, and foods rich in fat slows digestion.
Mollo with caffeine!
While the morning coffee is sometimes necessary to help you
wake up, took the evening can have devastating effects the next day. Indeed,
caffeine affects not only sleep duration but also its quality.
Healthy Weight
Focus on your
individual Allies
Let the honor to up vegetables on your plate. A large amount
of vegetables brings few calories while filling your stomach. Thus, you feel
satisfied and sated faster and you reduce your calorie intake.
Also bet on foods whole grains that are rich in fiber. Whole
wheat bread, brown rice, bulgur, the high fiber cereals are digested slowly and
you feel full faster. To remain satisfied as long as possible and not have
munchies between meals, your plate add a protein source. Lean meats, poultry,
fish, legumes, tofu, eggs and dairy products (milk and yogurt) are valuable
allies when it comes to weight.
Unmask the enemies of
your figure
Reduce your intake of foods high in fat and sugars. The
pastries and desserts, fried foods and potato chips contain a lot of calories
in a small volume. For example, when you eat an apple pie tip, you absorb as
much energy as you eat ten apples...
The soft drinks are also in the dock. What's faster and
easier to drink a soft drink, a fruit drink or a coffee flavored milk? Liquid
satiate little, but a lot of calories can be ingested without anything ...
except appear on your waistline. And what about alcohol! Many people tend to
forget the calories that come with the glass of wine (75 calories) or bottle of
beer (150 calories). On the occasion of exuberant parties, these calories are
multiplied by the number of ingested consumption and add to those of the meal.
Book alcoholic beverages for special occasions and drink in moderation.
Listen to your hunger
Use the portions reasonable. Whatever your plate, table
excesses often translate into excess weight. But what is a reasonable portion?
First, choose a plate of about 25 cm (10 in) in diameter (the plates sold today
are often too large). Fill half the plate of veggies, a quarter whole grains
(rice, pasta, couscous, bread), and a quarter with meat or other sources of
protein (legumes, poultry, fish, tofu, eggs , etc.). It all down with a fruit,
a yogurt or a glass of milk. The restaurant and at friends, often plates
overflowing with tempting food. Eat your fill: you do not have to clean your
plate. Take the time to savor every bite and stop eating when you are full.
Vegetables and fruits
Eat - Health tips for all More than 4500 studies show: eat
at least five daily servings of fruits and vegetables decreases at least 20%
the risk of cancer! Fruits and vegetables also provide the body with a host of
tools to protect against heart disease and stroke: vitamins, minerals, fiber
and phytochemicals ... A diet rich in vegetables and fruits also facilitates
weight loss and maintaining a healthy weight.
Prevent osteoporosis
The bone is a living tissue in constant renewal. From the
age of 30 years to 35 years, the bones slowly begin to crumble and lose their
density. We lose 0.5% to 1% of bone mass each year. In women, during the 5
years to 10 years after menopause, the loss is 2% to 5% per year. We must
therefore do everything to preserve bone mass acquired during his youth and to
build a maximum bone capital.
More bone mass reserve is, the better are the chances to
avoid osteoporosis that could occur as a result of normal bone loss due to age.
Whatever your age and gender, calcium is essential for bone
health. The exercise regular and diet appropriate help to preserve their
health. Thus, to prevent osteoporosis, adults should consume daily 500 ml (2
cups) of cow's milk or a substitute such as fortified soy beverage. From the
age of 50 years, adults should drink three servings of milk and alternatives and
take extra calcium and vitamin D.
The vitamin D is essential for proper absorption of calcium
by the body. The milk is a major dietary sources of vitamin D (it is enriched),
as are drinks soy fortified with calcium and vitamin D. Yogurt and cheese are good
sources of calcium, but they do not contain vitamin D (with the exception of
some yogurt and cheese made with milk ingredients enriched).
The essential vitamin D
The sources
- o Exposure to UVB rays of the sun is the main source of vitamin D. In Canada, during the winter, vitamin D is limited.
- o In nature, few foods contain vitamin D and these, especially fatty fish , shiitake mushrooms and oysters, are not very popular.
- o The population depends a lot on the enrichment of foods (cow's milk and fortified plant beverages) and supplements to meet their dietary needs for vitamin D.
The recommendations
Currently, recommendations for taking vitamin D are designed
to achieve optimal bone health.
However, more and more studies show the important role of
this vitamin in the prevention of several chronic diseases, such as type 1
diabetes, multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis and some cancers.
The Canadian Cancer Society advises all adults Canadian
daily intake of a supplement of 1,000 international units of vitamin D fall and
winter. The elderly, those with dark skin, those who go out and just those who
wear clothing that covers their bodies much more likely to lack vitamin D. They
should therefore take supplements throughout the year. Current data do believe
that this amount helps reduce the risk of cancer by causing the fewest side
effects possible.