Friday, May 29, 2015

Non-invasive treatment for neurological disorders

Non-invasive treatment for neurological disorders
Non-invasive treatment for neurological disorders
Non-invasive treatment for neurological disorders

The hectic life routine of the vast majority of the population adversely affects the health of many people, especially diseases causing mental and psychological sphere. Although often such discomforts go unnoticed (for many people something normal or that is part of everyday life), can be extremely damaging to live with a negative neurological condition. However, treatment for this type of medical condition always needed to be invasive using drugs. Another option possible?

According to the World Health Organization, 700 million people worldwide suffer from neurological diseases per year, this represents one third of cases of non-communicable diseases. As worrying is the estimate that about one in three of these people do not have medical care, which can lead to dire consequences. However, many people who seek professional help are treatment only through remedies that can not eliminate the problem, with a risk of the drug causing addiction.

Thus, it takes more efficient options to treat neurological diseases and there is a new technique that seems to have gone out of fictional stories, but it is very real: a Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation , or rTMS . This non-invasive neurophysiological procedure allows the induction of a magnetic field in the brain without causing any pain. The magnetic pulses pass through the skull and brain tissue, being focused on specific parts of the body, responses by producing excitation or inhibition thereof.

RTMS was approved in Brazil as medical practice in 2012 by the Federal Council of Medicine and is especially effective for those with high-grade depression and the disease does not respond by treatment with medicines. Furthermore, Transcranial magnetic stimulation can be used for the control of psychiatric disorders such as bipolar and even auditory hallucinations caused by schizophrenia, for example. The treatment is also indicated for addicts with great difficulty drop drug addiction.

The action of rTMS in our brain works the same way as the learning, performing repeatedly given task occurs activation of neurons that "learn" and a new memory is created. Transcranial magnetic stimulation in this memory is induced by applying current in the cortex. Thus, it creates a "code" that can increase or reduce the frequency of neural activity.

Approximately 4 to 5 patients respond positively to rTMS, and beneficial effects often appear after the first week of treatment. The great advantage of this technique over conventional treatments is due to the lack of more than 30% of the population response to antidepressant medication due to a natural resistance of the organism to the drug. Similarly, magnetic stimulation can be used by women with postpartum depression, which thus does not need to use drugs and discontinue breastfeeding.

Treatment is contraindicated for some people, such as who has history with surgeries that required metal components implants (aneurysm clips, ventricular bypass valve and cochlear implants, for example). This method does not cause seizures and can be applied in the doctor's office because rTMS does not require hospitalization or hospital environment. This technique is safe and effective option for neurological treatment with the bonus yet not invasive.

Monday, May 25, 2015

The benefits of having sex regularly

The benefits of having sex regularlyThe benefits of having sex regularly

They say the two main objectives of human life is to have sex and have money, but only if you want the second to get the first. If this is true it is hard to know. What we can say for sure is that sex is probably the most pleasurable activity that exists, but its benefits go far beyond that. Who has sex regularly (safely, of course) today resulting in many positive effects that improve the quality of life and health, and so it is recommended by doctors worldwide.

Sexual intercourse increases the level of antibody immunoglobulin, causing the immune system of the person to be reinforced, leaving the stronger body to prevent the development of diseases. Moreover, sex is great for anyone who has an intense routine, especially in relation to work. Have an active sex life makes your mood better, considerably reducing stress levels, making their daily lives be much happier, including improving professional performance.

That excuse of headache does not stick anymore. Before orgasm, our organism releases about five times the hormone oxytocin, endorphin responsible for reducing pain throughout the body. Sex also increases blood circulation to speed up the heartbeat, causing fresh blood is supplied to the cells, contributing to the smooth functioning of essential organs such as the heart. Additionally, toxins that harm the body are released during sex, which only improves your health.

Instead of going to the gym for an hour, how about having sex during that time? The sexual act is a great exercise, helping to burn calories (thirty minutes of sex burns about 80 cal) eliminating the sagging body muscles and making them more resistant bones. Yet because of the intensity of physical activity and relaxation caused by sex, the quality of your sleep improves dramatically after the relationship, leaving him alert and rested for the next day.

When the orgasm happens a hormone called dehydroepiandrosterone is also released in the body, and this substance helps to improve the immune system, repair body tissues and maintain healthy skin. It is estimated that anyone who has at least two orgasms a week live longer than those that reach the climax only once every two weeks, for example. More time to live next to someone you love and, of course, have more sex

Thursday, May 21, 2015

7 Reasons To Eat Broccoli Every Day

7 Reasons To Eat Broccoli Every Day
7 reasons to eat broccoli every day
Diet is something totally subjective, depends on the taste of each person as well as their priorities, and while there's a lot of people concerned about the nutrients and benefits of food, there are those who do not care about that. For those who are attentive to the advantages of each food, you know that eating salad is a very effective way to absorb positive substances to the body without major calories. Among these, the broccoli is certainly among the best, bringing many improvements to health, including preventing diseases. Below are seven reasons to include this vegetable in your daily diet:

Cancer: broccoli action in the body makes antibodies our fight against cancer, preventing the development of disease. It also has properties which contribute to energy for the immune system, increase the chances of staying healthy;

Cholesterol as it is not always possible to resist that greasy or fried food, you can have problems with cholesterol. However, the frequent ingestion of broccoli, like other whole foods, will cause the cholesterol level in the blood decreases due to soluble fiber contained in the plant;

Allergies and inflammation: Research shows that the kaempferol substance contained in broccoli helps to reduce the impact of allergies in our body. As the plant also has large amounts of fatty acids omega-3, still fighting inflammation and prevents their appearance;

Antioxidants: all vegetables, broccoli is what has most concentrated source of vitamin C, and flavonoids are also found in its composition. Other antioxidants broccoli, helping the health of the skin and several other aspects are the carotenoids lutein and zeaxanthin, as well as beta-carotene;

Bone health: due to its high levels of calcium and vitamin K, broccoli is very important to contribute to the strength and bone health, and especially in the prevention of osteoporosis;

Heart, broccoli contains in its anti-inflammatory properties from sulforaphane, an isothiocyanate that is able to prevent damage to the lining of blood vessels caused by chronic inflammation due to blood sugar problems. Thus, prevents heart disease and damage to the body;

Weight: to be rich in fiber, eating broccoli will bring satisfaction and decrease the consumption of other foods that could generate increased body fat, and a great ally for those who want to lose weight.

Having broccoli at main meals, lunch and dinner, will be very important to your diet has perfect combination of health and appearance as it is a food that in addition to preventing disease, also contributes to maintain your ideal weight. Combine a healthy diet with regular physical exercise and water intake is also essential. With this, you can have more health and more happiness close to those who like!

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Reasons to drink tea daily

Reasons to drink tea daily
Reasons to drink tea daily

Although many people think that the tea should be taken only when they are sick, it is important to know that there are numerous benefits to those who consume this drink every day. Whether green, black or otherwise, the tea can be essential to maintain a healthy body. Those who want to stay healthy and in a good mood can have on this beverage a great ally, including contributing to disease prevention.

The tea helps fight free radicals (substances responsible for damaging our DNA) due to the large amount of antioxidants present in their composition. Even if our bodies have defenses against free radicals, it is not always possible to eliminate 100% of body substances, and then the tea can help. Free radicals are associated with the development of cancer diseases, cardiovascular diseases, among others.

Tea may also contribute to the prevention of neurodegeneration, including being effective for the treatment of some diseases such as Alzheimer's. Even if there are several factors that influence brain health, polyphenols contained in tea, especially green, can help maintain the proper functioning of the body, making the learning ability and memory is affected minimally.

But it is not only for the mind that tea can contribute. Research conducted associated the consumption of alcohol to greater endurance during physical exercise, mainly due to antioxidant called catching found in green tea. This substance increases the body's ability to burn fat, still acting as a "fuel" causing greater muscle capacity. In addition, the tea improves mineral density, which generates a better bone health.

Although caffeine in tea beverage serves as moisturizer, so it can be ingested anywhere in the day. The frequent use will bring many health benefits beyond those already mentioned. Even so, it is important to be aware that tea is not a miracle drink, but a beneficial addition to a healthy diet and frequent physical exercise. Joining these positive habits with a tea after lunch or before bedtime can cause you to have a life with good health and happiness.

Monday, May 18, 2015

Eat - Health tips for women

Eat - Health tips for women
Eat - Health tips for womenAttention to iron!
In Quebec, the majority of women aged 18 to 49 do not consume enough foods rich in iron. Iron deficiency can lead to anemia, whose symptoms include fatigue, weakness and loss of productivity at work.

Eat foods rich in iron every day. The best sources of iron are meat red, organ meats, clams, oysters, cereals enriched the fruit and dried vegetables leafy greens.

By adding a source of vitamin C (tomatoes, citrus fruits, peppers) to your meals, you will facilitate the absorption of iron from plant products.

Menopause is a natural process that occurs gradually in the life of a woman around the age of 50 years. This transition period is marked by the cessation of menstruation and changes occurring, in some, even before the end of menstruation.

Hot flashes:
At menopause, many women experience hot flashes. They experience an intense feeling of warmth that is sometimes accompanied by redness or sweating often followed by cold sweats. This phenomenon is caused by lower levels of estrogen, which disrupts the "thermostat" of the body. Some women experience these flushes 15 to 20 times per day, which can be quite disturbing.

In the US, 70% to 80% of menopausal women report having hot flashes, against only 10% to 14% of them in Japan. According to some, the food rich in phytoestrogens Asians explain this difference. Phytoestrogens are plant-derived compounds that, when consumed in sufficient quantities, can act on the body similar to estrogen, a sex hormone produced by the ovaries. Phytoestrogens are found in soybeans and derived products, such as tofu and soy beverages.

Unfortunately, the research did not show with certainty the effectiveness of phytoestrogens in the treatment of hot flashes. Some studies report a decrease of 15% from these symptoms by taking hydrogenates, which equals about two hot flashes per day less in women who feel 12 daily.

To help alleviate the hot flashes, here are some suggestions.

o   Keep your healthy weight. It seems that women who are overweight have more hot flashes than those who have a healthy weight.
o   Set aside alcohol, caffeine, smoking and very spicy foods. These can increase the intensity of hot flashes.
o   Replace your hot drinks with cold drinks to lower your body temperature.
o   Relax! Stress can give you cold sweats...
o   Reduce the temperature of your home or your office winter. In summer, get yourself an air conditioner.
Silhouette silhouette apple pear
At the time of menopause, it is normal to see her body transform. When women are reaching the menopause, they take an average of 0.5 kg (1 lb) per year to a maximum of 2 kg to 4 kg (4.5 lbs to 9 lb) in total. Again, this transformation of the body is caused by the fall of the quantity of estrogen circulating in the body.

Before menopause, most women accumulate body fat around the hips (shaped silhouette pear). However, once the course of the past menopause because of hormonal changes, fat accumulates in the abdomen (figure-shaped apple), as is the case for men.

This transformation of the body can lead to risks for the health. Indeed, one associates the accumulated fat in the abdomen with an increased risk of cardiovascular disease and diabetes. It is therefore essential to minimize the effects of menopause on health by maintaining a healthy weight, eating a balanced diet and doing more to exercise.

Heart health at menopause
Female sex hormones give women protection against heart disease. However, this advantage disappears at the menopause. The amount of estrogen (female sex hormones) drops, causing an increase in bad cholesterol (LDL) and triglycerides in the blood, and a decrease in good cholesterol (HDL) blood. These changes can gradually lead to the formation of plaques in the arteries that supply the heart with blood. When plaque clogs the arteries, it may result in a heart attack or stroke (CVA).

Fortunately, your diet can help prevent cardiovascular disease. Just make the right choices ... More your diet is rich in fruits, vegetables, fish and whole grains, plus it is low in red meats and charcuterie, in sweets, fried foods and in refined grains and the greater the risk of cardiovascular disease are low.

And what about soy? Even today, the benefits of phytoestrogens for the health center remains controversial. Recently, after an evaluation of studies on the subject, the American Heart Association Nutrition Committee concluded that, in general, many soy products can be beneficial to heart health and health in general because nutritional qualities thereof (fiber, types of lipids, etc.). However, the Committee of Experts underlines that high intakes of soy protein (50 g) had little effect on blood cholesterol (good and bad) and triglycerides and blood pressure.

Breast cancer
Breast cancer is the most common type of cancer in women. During his life, one in nine women is likely to be reached for breast cancer. Several factors play a role in the development of this cancer: the family history, the hormones, the aging, etc. Moreover, scientists have long suspected the lifestyle to be an important risk factor. However, they could not precisely identify which component of lifestyle is the most influential.

For many years it was thought that a high fat intake was one of those components that contribute most to the risk of breast cancer. Now, it is believed rather than fat intake may play a role, but it is not the only factor nor the most important. However, recent research indicates that a diet low in fat reduces the risk of breast cancer recurrence.

Moreover, it seems that the risk factors vary according to the hormonal changes that women experience (premenopausal or menopausal). For instance, a saturated fat rich diet could help almost a quarter of cases of breast cancer occur in postmenopausal women. However, the saturated fat intake does not appear to contribute significantly to the risk of breast cancer occurring before menopause.

The studies are however unanimous in linking alcohol consumption and risk of breast cancer . The higher the alcohol consumption, the higher the risk is too, no matter the stage of hormonal women. For optimal health, women should not take more than a glass of alcohol per day.

After menopause, it appears that women who gain weight or have an overweight are more likely to be diagnosed with breast cancer. The degree of physical activity would also be a risk factor. The sedentary lifestyle during adulthood contribute to almost a third of cases of breast cancer, especially before menopause. It is recommended to do 30 minutes of physical activity per day (walking, dancing, running, yoga, Pilates, etc.) to reduce the risk of breast cancer.

A healthy lifestyle does not guarantee that one will be spared from breast cancer . However, there is every chance of his side through good habits!

Sunday, May 17, 2015

Eat - Health tips for all

Eat - Health tips for all

Adulthood represents a very active period of life. The accelerated pace of life leaves out of breath! And if diet could help you get back some balance in your daily life?
Eat - Health tips for all 
To offset the blow of bar in the afternoon
Eat every four hours ... but only good food
Start the day with a breakfast nutritious.
Opt for light, balanced meals in the hour of dinner.

Take snacks light (fruit, yogurt, cereal) every four or five hours. A drop in blood sugar can cause symptoms of fatigue and irritability and headaches.

Opt for foods rich in carbohydrates and protein
Refuel quality energy with carbs. They are the preferred fuel cells. You will find them in grain products whole grain, vegetables and fruits. Make sure to consume regularly and sufficiently.

Add protein. They feel full for a long period of time. Eat it at every meal, you will avoid the energy slumps caused by hunger.

Avoid the trap of sweets and fatty foods. The goodies do temporarily increasing energy levels, and foods rich in fat slows digestion.

Mollo with caffeine!
While the morning coffee is sometimes necessary to help you wake up, took the evening can have devastating effects the next day. Indeed, caffeine affects not only sleep duration but also its quality.

Healthy Weight
Focus on your individual Allies
Let the honor to up vegetables on your plate. A large amount of vegetables brings few calories while filling your stomach. Thus, you feel satisfied and sated faster and you reduce your calorie intake.

Also bet on foods whole grains that are rich in fiber. Whole wheat bread, brown rice, bulgur, the high fiber cereals are digested slowly and you feel full faster. To remain satisfied as long as possible and not have munchies between meals, your plate add a protein source. Lean meats, poultry, fish, legumes, tofu, eggs and dairy products (milk and yogurt) are valuable allies when it comes to weight.

Unmask the enemies of your figure
Reduce your intake of foods high in fat and sugars. The pastries and desserts, fried foods and potato chips contain a lot of calories in a small volume. For example, when you eat an apple pie tip, you absorb as much energy as you eat ten apples...

The soft drinks are also in the dock. What's faster and easier to drink a soft drink, a fruit drink or a coffee flavored milk? Liquid satiate little, but a lot of calories can be ingested without anything ... except appear on your waistline. And what about alcohol! Many people tend to forget the calories that come with the glass of wine (75 calories) or bottle of beer (150 calories). On the occasion of exuberant parties, these calories are multiplied by the number of ingested consumption and add to those of the meal. Book alcoholic beverages for special occasions and drink in moderation.

Listen to your hunger
Use the portions reasonable. Whatever your plate, table excesses often translate into excess weight. But what is a reasonable portion? First, choose a plate of about 25 cm (10 in) in diameter (the plates sold today are often too large). Fill half the plate of veggies, a quarter whole grains (rice, pasta, couscous, bread), and a quarter with meat or other sources of protein (legumes, poultry, fish, tofu, eggs , etc.). It all down with a fruit, a yogurt or a glass of milk. The restaurant and at friends, often plates overflowing with tempting food. Eat your fill: you do not have to clean your plate. Take the time to savor every bite and stop eating when you are full.

Vegetables and fruits "anti-disease"
Eat - Health tips for all More than 4500 studies show: eat at least five daily servings of fruits and vegetables decreases at least 20% the risk of cancer! Fruits and vegetables also provide the body with a host of tools to protect against heart disease and stroke: vitamins, minerals, fiber and phytochemicals ... A diet rich in vegetables and fruits also facilitates weight loss and maintaining a healthy weight.

Prevent osteoporosis
The bone is a living tissue in constant renewal. From the age of 30 years to 35 years, the bones slowly begin to crumble and lose their density. We lose 0.5% to 1% of bone mass each year. In women, during the 5 years to 10 years after menopause, the loss is 2% to 5% per year. We must therefore do everything to preserve bone mass acquired during his youth and to build a maximum bone capital.

More bone mass reserve is, the better are the chances to avoid osteoporosis that could occur as a result of normal bone loss due to age.

Whatever your age and gender, calcium is essential for bone health. The exercise regular and diet appropriate help to preserve their health. Thus, to prevent osteoporosis, adults should consume daily 500 ml (2 cups) of cow's milk or a substitute such as fortified soy beverage. From the age of 50 years, adults should drink three servings of milk and alternatives and take extra calcium and vitamin D.

The vitamin D is essential for proper absorption of calcium by the body. The milk is a major dietary sources of vitamin D (it is enriched), as are drinks soy fortified with calcium and vitamin D. Yogurt and cheese are good sources of calcium, but they do not contain vitamin D (with the exception of some yogurt and cheese made ​​with milk ingredients enriched).

The essential vitamin D
The sources
  • o   Exposure to UVB rays of the sun is the main source of vitamin D. In Canada, during the winter, vitamin D is limited.
  • o   In nature, few foods contain vitamin D and these, especially fatty fish , shiitake mushrooms and oysters, are not very popular.
  • o   The population depends a lot on the enrichment of foods (cow's milk and fortified plant beverages) and supplements to meet their dietary needs for vitamin D.

The recommendations
Currently, recommendations for taking vitamin D are designed to achieve optimal bone health.

However, more and more studies show the important role of this vitamin in the prevention of several chronic diseases, such as type 1 diabetes, multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis and some cancers.

The Canadian Cancer Society advises all adults Canadian daily intake of a supplement of 1,000 international units of vitamin D fall and winter. The elderly, those with dark skin, those who go out and just those who wear clothing that covers their bodies much more likely to lack vitamin D. They should therefore take supplements throughout the year. Current data do believe that this amount helps reduce the risk of cancer by causing the fewest side effects possible.

Saturday, May 16, 2015

How to regulate cholesterol levels?

How to regulate cholesterol levels?

Over 40% of Canadians aged 20 to 79 years and 36.5% of French people aged 18 to 79 would have a total cholesterol detrimental to health. PasseportSanté tells you all about the different ways to control his cholesterol.

How to regulate cholesterol levels?Cholesterol: reminders
Cholesterol is a lipid family sterol found in animal products. The liver produces most of the cholesterol that the body needs to function. The rest of the cholesterol "necessary" is provided by food. Cholesterol is a constituent of cell membranes and the precursor of sex hormones (progesterone, estrogen, testosterone), of billiaires salts and vitamin D3.

Cholesterol is insoluble in blood. It is thanks to lipoproteins that will be carried and transported throughout the body. There are 2 types of lipoproteins:

1.    The lipoprotein LDL (low density lipoprotein) associated with the "bad  "  cholesterol  that deposit this excess cholesterol in the body on the walls of arteries and causing, in the long term atherosclerosis that is to say, presence of a plaque on the inner walls of arteries that may impede or block the flow of blood.

2.    The HDL (high density lipoprotein) associated with the "good” cholesterol fetch cholesterol deposited on artery walls by LDL lipoproteins and eliminate them.
It is lipoproteins that define the levels of "good" and "bad" cholesterol in the blood. Cholesterol is neither "good" nor "bad" in itself but its carriers (lipoproteins) they are "good" or "bad".

How to detect high cholesterol?
By a blood test will determine cholesterol levels (the amount of LDL cholesterol, the amount of HDL cholesterol and total cholesterol) and an analysis of these results.
Physicians assess cholesterol in relative terms this is -to say analyzing these rates compared to the patient's general condition and the presence of other factors such as personal history of cardiovascular disease, age, smoking, diabetes, blood pressure, family history cardiovascular disease, obesity and gender.

Doctors also analyze the total cholesterol / HDL cholesterol, which shows the levels of "good" blood cholesterol compared to total cholesterol. A low ratio is linked to a lower risk of disease.

For example, at equal cholesterol, a 60-year-old smoker with a history of heart disease in his family will then be considered high risk that a woman of 30 years with no risk factors will be considered low risk.

Friday, May 15, 2015

Eat - Health tips for 50+

Eat - Health tips for 50+
Eat - Health tips for 50+

For thousands of years, human beings are trying to discover the fountain of youth that would provide us all, eternal youth. The promise of a long life and healthy she holds to a food, a cream or even a miracle pill? And if it was easier?

Healthy aging and fit
Several factors can reduce your life expectancy or significantly affect your quality of life. Smoking and excess alcohol can have devastating effects on your health. The elderly and sedentary people are more likely to see their muscle mass melt, feeling weaker and lose their autonomy. The nutrition can help you age better because it has a significant preventive effect against chronic diseases such as cardiovascular disease and cancer. Although it is written in your genes can not be changed, you can improve your quality of life by adopting lifestyle and adding some healthy foods to your menu.

Vitamin D, very touched by aging
Vitamin D is the nutrient most affected by aging. With age, the body produces more easily. In addition, some drugs reduce absorption. People over 50 are at increased risk of suffering from vitamin D deficiency. In fact, the Canada Food Guide recommends that people over age 50 take a supplement of 10 micrograms (400 IU) vitamin D daily.

Meat and alternatives to fight infections
The proteins play an important role in the fight against infections: these are the basic materials antibody involved in the defense of the body. After an injury or surgery, proteins are also necessary for tissue repair. Meat, poultry, fish, eggs, cheese, peanut butter and legumes are good sources of protein. Make sure you have at each meal!

Water against dehydration
Eat - Health tips for 50+you have the dry mouth and throat, muscle cramps, headaches, your urine is dark and fragrant, and your skin loses its elasticity? You are irritable, constipated and tired? You may be suffering from dehydration, a serious condition and current seniors.

With age, body composition changes. The different hormonal changes and those related to lifestyle are that the body loses muscle mass in favor of fat. And a reduction in muscle mass automatically generates a reduction in reserves of water in the body. Thus, the body of a person over age 50 contains about 50% water, compared to about 60% for a person of 25 years.

The body has mechanisms to keep the right amount of water. Unfortunately, they become less effective over the years.
o   The body reacts to both dehydration. In this state, the kidneys remove more water than necessary.
o   The sensation of thirst is no longer a good indicator of the degree of hydration and the need to drink. Thirst occurs when dehydration is well underway and in reaction to that sensation. Thus, the elderly generally drink less water than an adult 25 years.
Not to cut the appetite and leave room for the main meal, older people are often tempted to drink less during the day. For fear of urinary incontinence, many older people limit their intake of fluids. Yet little drink requires the kidneys to work harder and to discharge the waste from the body in a smaller amount of urine. This concentrated urine irritates the bladder and increases urinary incontinence.

Being awakened by a sudden urge to urinate and the obligation to get up in the middle of the night can also incite drink less often. In this case, it is better to consume enough fluids early and throughout the day rather than evening.

Finally, some drugs and various diseases increase the risk of dehydration. For example, diuretics and laxatives accentuate the loss of water, whereas Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson's disease are associated with a lower consumption of liquids.

Lack of water or dehydration night to several vital functions. In case of dehydration, liver, digestive system, heart and brain have difficulty functioning properly. The dehydration can contribute to the development of kidney disease. It is also a common cause of temporary state of confusion.

Here are some little tricks to help you consume enough water during the day.

Drink about 8 glasses of fluids per day (2 liters) as water, juice, milk, tea, tea or soup.
Keep a large bottle of water (tap or source) to view and think about regularly drink small amounts throughout the day.
On your bedside table, keep a glass of water you drink immediately first thing in the morning. You can kill two birds with one stone by drinking a glass of warm water: it moisturizes just as cold water and promotes bowel regularity.
Choose drinks that you like: the herbal variety, the juice mixed with carbonated water, the soup hot with vegetables, simple soups, coffee or tea, a glass of milk, etc.
Drink more, as needed. You have the fever and it is very hot outside? Increase your daily fluid intake 250 ml to 500 ml (1 to 2 cups).
Eat enough fruits and vegetables (and their juices) rather than dehydrated because they contain at least 85% water. Eat at least five a day!
Vitamin B12 to overflowing with energy!
As we age, the body has more difficulty absorbing vitamin B12 from food. Inadequate intake of this vitamin has important consequences on the quality of life: we feel more tired, lower, sometimes even confusing. The appetite decreases, which leads to other problems: we eat less, it forces you lose and is more exposed to the risk of deficiencies of other vitamins and minerals.

The B12 is found naturally in animal foods such as fish, milk, eggs, shellfish, meat and poultry. It is therefore recommended that these foods rich in vitamin B12 in your plate every day. Add to that foods fortified with vitamin B12 (soy milk, for example) and supplements. Synthetic vitamin B12 is better absorbed by the body than that which comes from food. After 50 years, the body needs 2.4 micrograms of the vitamin daily.

Eating with appetite age better
If your appetite diminishes with age, your nutritional needs, they do not diminish. Failing to eat more, so you have to eat better and more often.

Choose foods that are packed with vitamins and minerals. For example, spread your toast with peanut butter morning rather than jam. Or prefer yogurt for a scoop of ice cream.
Instead of three big meals, choose from many small meals.
If you have not hungry enough to eat it all at dinner, keep your fruit or piece of cheese for a snack.
Serve dishes at a suitable temperature. This will prevent all is tepid and bland.
Make enhance nutritional value of your favorite recipes inspiring the following table.
your vegetable purees
Sweet potatoes.
soups, creams, muffins, your mashed potatoes
milk powder
your meatloaf and your meat chopped
chicken liver
cheese or yogurt
eggs, cheese or canned tuna

Also, to whet your appetite, cook and eat as often as possible in friendly company. The walks before the meal and the meal with friends also stimulate appetite.

Loss of appetite can also be caused by a loss of taste and the smell, a common occurrence among older people. Season your food with herbs and spices. Alternate bites of food that ends up on your plate. And you concoct tempting and colorful meals: we also eat with our eyes, right?

Loss of appetite is often accompanied by deficiencies in nutrients and loss of energy. If your appetite seems to have completely disappeared, consult your doctor.

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Drink 1.5 Liters Of Water A Day, A Myth?

Drink 1.5 Liters Of Water A Day, A Myth?
Drink 1.5 liters of water a day, a myth?

Various studies show that we should drink about 1.5 liters of water per day, or 8 glasses daily. However, the figures differ according to research, and the different types of morphologies observed. Water is an essential need for the body, its consumption is therefore essential. But if she really limited to 1.5 liters per day?

The body of water needs are specific to the morphology of a person's lifestyle and climate. Water makes up about 60% of body weight. But every day, a large quantity escapes from the body. Studies show that the body of an average person would spend more than 2 liters of water a day. Excesses are excreted primarily in the urine, which serve to remove waste products from the body, but also through breathing, perspiration and tears. These losses are compensated by food, which accounts for around one liter and liquids we drink.

It is therefore necessary to hydrate throughout the day, even when thirsty is not made to feel. Indeed, with age, people feel less need to drink and risks of dehydration are possible. As in case of high temperatures (heat causes further loss of water), physical effort, nursing and disease, it is advisable to ensure proper hydration of the body. The risk of dehydration is defined as a function of body weight, and may be due to insufficient and extended water use. The first signs of chronic dehydration can result in dark colored urine, sensations of dryness in the mouth and throat, headaches and dizziness, and a very dry skin and intolerance to heat. To remedy this, it is advisable to drink as much as possible, although some studies have shown that absorbing too much water could be dangerous.

Drinking too much is bad for health
One drink too much and too fast fluids in the body, called hyponatremia, may be harmful. They would not be supported by the kidneys, which can regulate a half liters of water per hour. In fact, drinking too much water would inflate the cells in the blood, which could cause a disorder of brain function. The concentration of sodium ion intra plasma is greatly reduced because of the large water presence in the plasma. However, hyponatremia is often the result of diseases such as potomania or excessive infusions: the cases of this disorder are rare and only a tiny number of people.

Varying recommendations
Studies have been conducted to define what would be the real water needs of the body. The encrypt varying between 1 and 3 liters per day, it is advisable to drink about two liters daily. But as we have seen, it depends on the morphology of the environment and lifestyle of the person. This statement must be qualified and placed in the contexts to which it belongs. These two liters does not include water in the proper sense of the term but all liquid passing through food and water-based drinks (tea, coffee, juice). The theory of 8 glasses so designate all liquids consumed during a day. This recommendation originated in a study by the Institute of Medicine, who suggested that each food calorie intake was equal to one milliliter of water. Thus, a consumption of 1900 calories per day equals 1900 ml of water (1.9 L). The confusion is made when people have forgotten that food already contained water: it would not be necessary to drink 2 liters of additional water. However, other studies claim the opposite: it would, in their view, consume between 2.5 and 3 liters and more food.

The answer remains so vague and impossible to define, because a lot of research and contradict each give different results. The recommendation to drink 1.5 liters of water a day can be regarded as a myth, but it is still necessary to ensure its proper hydration throughout the day for the good of his body.


British Nutrition Foundation (Ed.). Nutrition Basics - Liquids for life,

Council of the European Food Information (EUFIC). Hydration - essential to your well-being, EUFIC. .

Noakes, T. Nutrition Issues in Gastroenteroly (August 2014), Sharon Bergquist, Chris McStay, MD, FACEP, FAWM, Director of Clinical Operations, Department of Medical Emergencies of Colorado School of Medicine.

Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research (Ed). Food and Nutrition Center - Water: How much you drink every shoulds

Dominique Armand, Head of CNRS sought. Scientific Evidence: water. (2013).

Breakfast: What Do We Really Know?

Breakfast: What Do We Really Know?
Breakfast: what do we really know?

It is called "lunch" or "breakfast" by region: it is the first meal of the day, after some ten hours of fasting. Most nutritionists insist on its importance, but do we really know of the breakfast? What should it be made of? Is it really essential when you want to lose weight? Can we do without it?

Breakfast: This meal stalled:
All the surveys show, the breakfast is increasingly neglected, especially among youth. In France, the proportion of adolescents taking breakfast per day increased from 79% in 2003 to 59% in 2010. Among adults, the decline is slow but very steady since the beginning of the century. How to explain this erosion face often referred meal "most important of the day"? According to Pascale Hebel, a specialist in consumption, the breakfast is a meal that suffers from "lack"

- Lack of time. Revivals are increasingly late, which leads to skipping breakfast or not to devote little time. This is primarily due to a late sleep: young people are delaying more time to their bedtime. The Information Technology and Communication (LED screens, tablets, and laptops) are the main incriminated.

- The lack of conviviality. Unlike at lunch or dinner, breakfast is often an individual meal: everyone chooses the products he likes and eats alone. This is the same phenomenon as for the purposes of meals that are increasingly individualized.

- Lack of appetite. Many do not feel the need to eat in the morning, despite fasting for several hours. This phenomenon is often associated with excess made ​​the evening too late meal or a lack of sleep.

- Lack of varieties. Unlike other meal, breakfast may seem monotonous. Yet it is possible to vary its composition by providing in advance a number of alternatives to conventional lunch.

What to do in case of loss of appetite?

- Swallowing a large glass of water at sunrise.
- Take breakfast after prepared.
- Continue the habit on weekends and during holidays.

If, despite this, you still do not feel hungry, you do not need to force yourself to eat!

6 foods to eat in case of type 2 diabetes

6 foods to eat in case of type 2 diabetes

 Type 2 diabetes accounts for 90% of diabetes cases. Diet plays a key role in people suffering from this disease. It should help meet nutrient needs, control blood sugar and blood lipid in addition to promoting the maintenance of healthy weight and prevent cardiovascular disease. Here are six foods to integrate in diabetes menu, plus a healthy balanced diet and regular physical activity.

The pear
The pear has many phenolic compounds, flavonoids, responsible for the color of the fruit, and phenolic acids. Present mainly in the peel of the fruit, these components can neutralize free radicals, thanks to their antioxidant effect. Phenolic compounds thus contribute to the prevention of cardiovascular disease and certain cancers. 

The high fiber content of the pear also help decrease the risk of heart disease and the regulation of intestinal transit. The soluble fibers contained in the pear delaying absorption of glucose in the small intestine, allowing a better control of glycemia. People with type 2 diabetes should monitor blood sugar levels, that is to say, the sugar (glucose) in the blood, so as not to be hyperglycemia. In the event of hyperglycemia, the person may experience different symptoms such as constant urge to urinate or a feeling of thirst.

5 foods to protect his heart

5 foods to protect his heart
Cardiovascular diseases are the leading cause of death worldwide. The body suffers daily attacks that exhaust the cardiovascular system. Here are 5 foods that help protect the heart.

Several clinical studies 1 show that the phytosterol content of almonds at a rate of 34 mg to 30 g or 25 almonds, reduces the concentration of "bad" cholesterol (LDL) in the body. A high cholesterol can lead to heart as the "bad" cholesterol, having supplied the bodies deposited in the arteries and, in case of surplus, risk butcher. Epidemiological data 2, a daily consumption of 30 g almonds reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease by 45%. Vitamin E contained in the kernel (7.5 mg of vitamin E to 25 almonds or half the daily recommendation of vitamin E) also help fight against heart disease by preventing the formation of blood clots. 

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